Approaching Bonnie Doon Bridge

The dam in front of the Motel is now part of the lake, again, after about 15 years.

Crossing the Bridge at Bonnie Doon. The last time the water was this high before 1996, if memory serves me correctly

Bonnie Doon

Behind Bonnie Doon

Fairy Garden made by Annaliese with many pieces provided by Uncle Graham and Emma

Linda and Maryrose

Big Smile

Cutting the cake. It was an Icecream Cake and the Chocolate bit was best.

From Bottom Left we have, Nan, Dad, Annaliese, Emma, Uncle Graham, Mum and Maryrose

Annaleise and her hoops

Maryrose and Annaliese at the Collingwood training run on 28 Sep 2011

Last week we went to Melbourne for Annalieses' birthday she is now 7 and of the sound opinion she is a Big Girl.

We had a nice little party and took a few photos. Mzaryrose was there too, and the great revelation was that she likes Chocolate Icecream. The little party was around lunch time as Annaleise had to go on a play date to the swimming pool with her friend Holly.

Mary Brimelow 08.10.2011 06:47

These are beaut. I have enjoyed seeing all the family and send Annaliese my love and best wishes. Maryrose looks very familiar to me - must have the Gannan look

Annaliese ingham 06.10.2011 12:35

g'day granddad
i liked the video of me and the photo's. I have been acros that big bridge
maryrose looks very funny in the photos of her. love Annaliese xox

Judy 05.10.2011 12:16

Love the Fairy Garden or should that be the "little Garden" mines looking a tad sad and over grown, better get it looking good before Annalise comes to visit

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02.07 | 08:09

Thanks for the reply - I found Gannan image on 14 Squadron archives whilst looking for John Hunter who was from Albury. I just wanted to advise - Cheers

02.07 | 07:56

Continuing, I have no information as to his time at 70 OTU other than he was on course No 13 and Passed. His name is Gerald Gannan who passed away in 1994.

02.07 | 07:49

G'day Chris. Sorry it took so long to answer. I have that pic somewhere. Just cannot find moment. It was among Dads Photos of 14 Sqn RAF. 70 OTU
Mar to May 42.

23.06 | 09:23

Hi Chris from Albury & District Historical Society - saw the image of the B26 in this post - can you advise where you found it as I'm doing some work on 70 OTU